Multilevel Modeling Workshop Materials

Many thanks to Rutgers University Spanish and Portuguese Department ( for asking me to come talk about multilevel models. I enjoyed talking to the group, meeting Twitter friends in real life!, and I am especially impressed by what their department is doing in what is often considered a qualitative science. I used RStudio’s Cloud to share a workspace with all the materials, packages, and other information you might need. I built the slide show using markdown, so that people could watch the slides and/or take their own notes. [Read More]

New Publication - Detect Low Quality Data

My coauthor John Scofield and I just had a publication accepted at Behavior Research Methods - you can check out the publication preprint at OSF. We thew together a website for the paper that summarizes everything we found, as well as puts all the materials together in one place - check it out. We create a really nice R function to help you detect low quality data, which you can find on GitHub, and I even made a video that explains all the parts to the function at YouTube. [Read More]

Citations in R Markdown + Papaja

Heyo! I wanted to write a post about some of the quirky things I’ve found with writing manuscripts in R Markdown, as well as provide a solution to a problem that someone else might be having. Update: The csl file I describe below is a special formatted one, which was shared with me. You can download it from GitHub to try the suggestions below. Update 2: Turns out, potentially, the suggestions from the manual are not working correctly, as Frederik has checked it out and opened an issue on github. [Read More]