Getting Translations with rvest and Selenium

In this guide, I’ll go over how you can use web scraping rvest and Selenium to get translations from Google Translate. Note: I encourage responsible scraping - I always try to do it with some space between requests. You can only do 5000 characters at a time with the free Google translate. I will say that I tried to do this with just rvest and the predictability of the links for Google translate - but I could not get rvest to pull the right data off the page, so here’s a slightly more difficult approach that appears to work. [Read More]

Line Endings Are Dumb

I have happily acquired a new Mac Book (yay!) and a new work computer (Windows). So, I’ve been making One Drive exceedingly unhappy moving GBs of file from one to another. As I was working on reconnecting my GitHub repositories to the files, I was trying to understand why several of my repos were saying I had a bunch of file changes but nothing in the files themselves had changed. I noticed they were mostly . [Read More]